Friday, 13 July 2012

Free iBook Download Acrylic Painting Tutorial

If you know anything at all about me, you will know I love putting together drawing and painting tutorials on my own web and some of my other art sites I'm a member off.

Now that is all good and well (and I hope you've enjoyed all my how to's and sketching and painting tutorials in the past) but poor Bob Scratchit here, has to feed Mrs Scrathit and our very poor tiny Tim.

So, I've just created and uploaded my first Acrylic Painting Tutorial in the iPad2 iBook format, and whats more it's FREE and available to Download, yeah, yeah, I know I'm never going to get rich overnight by giving away my books for free, but, if you like this one then hopefully you will pay to download further tutorials I create.

The iBook, is called Acrylic Painting Tutorial The Cottage. You simply search in the iTunes Store for Acrylic Painting Tutorial from your iPad, iPad2 or PC.

Big, Big Favour to ask
Could any of my Art, Redbubble, Paintings I love and DeviantArt friends, if you have accessed, and downloaded this iBook, could you do me a really big big favour? 

Can you rate this or perhaps write a review for me? On the iTunes Store, there is a row of stars underneath the writing describing the iBook, any stars you give will be greatly appreciated, apparently it helps on future sales.

Thank loads.

