Medium: Acrylic
Paper: Stretched Canvas
Size: 30 x 40 cm
Duration 4 − 5
This is a commission I've just completed in acrylics, using a decorators scraping palette knife, brushes and borrowed my daughters nail painting brushes (for those hard to get to whiskers LOL).

Really enjoyed this piece as I got to play with the background with a big fat palette knife to dab strong greened, limes blacks and white, trying to achieve a christmas holly feel (not sure it works, but like the texture I got). The reference was a compilation of a couple of photos the client gave me as sadly, Shorty is no longer with us (this is a Christmas present for the clients wife) I played around with the head of one photo and the front legs of another and stitched them together in photoshop then just started painting. With me, whenever I paint (or sketch for that matter) I try and begin with the eyes, capture those little beauties and your halfway there! Anywhoo, it is off to the framers on Monday, hopefully the client will like the finished result.
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