Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Tales from the Clan of the Cave Artist

Tales from the Clan of the Cave Artist

This morning I awake to a very cold morning at the cave, no, let me clear this up, it is not cold in our cave but very cold outside the cave, I know this because the water filled iron plates that hang on each wall of the cave have begun to groan and stutter awake earlier than normal, in an effort to push the warm water around inside them, our cave stat thermo, which controls their activation of warmth begins it's daily struggle much earlier as She who brings the cold and long nights has dropped the cold levels outside the cave further below than what is normally expected. Normally the great Arga which is housed in the  centre of our cave and produces constant heat from underground pipes of gas, is usually enough to stave off the activation of the Stat Thermo, but this morning, the cold outside has made the great Arga's efforts of warmth fade in respect of necessity.

Clan Mother has already finished reading the latest despatches of news on her iPad of Apple, and has scanned through all the latest bargains on the Tree of Gum, and has entered the adjoining cubicle of cleansing, the noise of the shower of warm steamy water seems to be trying to compete with the noise already in motion by the water filled iron plates in the cave. I am amazed that being a female, the Clan Mother always finishes so much quicker than when I enter the cubicle of cleansing. I put this down to the latest Shaman findings that I am almost twice the mass of the Clan Mother and therefore require more water than her to complete the same task, therefor more water is needed by me, and obviously this require longer to cleanse my frame, simple when you work out the answer using Shaman logic.

The Clan Mother dons her warm hides, smiles at me with the same eyes I discovered when first we met, so many seasons ago now, I am still lying on our slumber mat and she wishes me a speedy awakening and takes Lily, one of the sister Samoyed hounds who sleeps at our feet, downstairs and out of the cave to relieve her blad