Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Tales from the Clan of the Cave Artist

Tales from the Clan of the Cave Artist

This morning I awake to a very cold morning at the cave, no, let me clear this up, it is not cold in our cave but very cold outside the cave, I know this because the water filled iron plates that hang on each wall of the cave have begun to groan and stutter awake earlier than normal, in an effort to push the warm water around inside them, our cave stat thermo, which controls their activation of warmth begins it's daily struggle much earlier as She who brings the cold and long nights has dropped the cold levels outside the cave further below than what is normally expected. Normally the great Arga which is housed in the  centre of our cave and produces constant heat from underground pipes of gas, is usually enough to stave off the activation of the Stat Thermo, but this morning, the cold outside has made the great Arga's efforts of warmth fade in respect of necessity.

Clan Mother has already finished reading the latest despatches of news on her iPad of Apple, and has scanned through all the latest bargains on the Tree of Gum, and has entered the adjoining cubicle of cleansing, the noise of the shower of warm steamy water seems to be trying to compete with the noise already in motion by the water filled iron plates in the cave. I am amazed that being a female, the Clan Mother always finishes so much quicker than when I enter the cubicle of cleansing. I put this down to the latest Shaman findings that I am almost twice the mass of the Clan Mother and therefore require more water than her to complete the same task, therefor more water is needed by me, and obviously this require longer to cleanse my frame, simple when you work out the answer using Shaman logic.

The Clan Mother dons her warm hides, smiles at me with the same eyes I discovered when first we met, so many seasons ago now, I am still lying on our slumber mat and she wishes me a speedy awakening and takes Lily, one of the sister Samoyed hounds who sleeps at our feet, downstairs and out of the cave to relieve her blad
der. Her sister Zara, is at the foot of Princess Jasmine, still fast asleep on her slumber mat in her part of the cave which she calls her room. The fostered younglings are all still asleep as well as our resident chieftain lord of slumber, Prince Jordan

, my youngest son of twenty one seasons, perhaps this is the day when the Shoguns of Great Industries come calling to this cave to awake him with offers of employment and fortune, somehow I doubt this, but the Clan Mother and I are ever hopeful!

My reading of the latest despatches on my iPad of Apple is interrupted by the early awakening call of the Clan Mother at the foot of the slumber rooms, calling out the names of both the fostered younglings as well as Princess Jasmines, and tells our Princess to open her wooden latched door to allow Zara, the sister Samoyed out, which she does, and I hear the frantic yelping of Zara as she ponds down the cave steps toward the front entrance of our cave, eager to greet and lick the faces of both the fostered younglings as well as the Clan Mother and no doubt eager to reliever her bladder as well!

My time of reflection and reading of despatches has to end, for as much as I enjoy the comfort and warmth under the thick quilted slumber hides and losing myself in reading the despatches of news and stories of interest, I too must rise, as to stay in my slumber pit any longer may incur the wrath of the Clan Mother and we do not want to go there, no way! I have certain rituals and chores to attend to in the mornings. I leave the comfort of our slumber pit and feeling the slight cold, shiver slightly as I rearrange the slumber hides in the fashion that the Clan Mother wants it done, and enter the cubicle of cleansing myself. It my intent to take as much time as the Clan Mother does, but the luxury of warm heated water droplets sets my mind to the thoughts and dreams of the day ahead and come back to reality when the water turns quickly from warm and hot to icy cold! I think the Clan Mother deliberately runs the cold water in the sink next to the great Arga on purpose if she thinks I am spending far to long in the cleansing cubicle! I could be wrong, but she always denies it, calling a only a coincidence, coincidence my foot! Needless to say, I am forced to step out of the cleansing cubicle and reach for the damp towel left after my soulmate has used it. I cannot blame anyone but myself as The Clan Mother is always the first to awake and therefore always has a drying hide to herself before me. One morning I will surprise her and my Clan family by awakening first and having use of a drying hide all to myself! One day!

I done my winter hides and follow the Clan Mother and younglings journey down the steps to the main cave, at the foot of the cave, both hounds, Lily and Zara are waiting for me and jump up in eagerness to greet my, their Lord and Master (and the one ruler of all my cave, I think to myself so as not the let the Clan Mother know!). 'Look how pleased the great hounds are to see me this morning'. 'This is probably due to the fact that their morning meal has been waiting for them this past hour getting cold and You Oh Great Clan Master to take them out on patrol! Point taken, I quietly begin the ritual of feeding the hounds, fitting the harnesses and collars and attaching the leather leads, then roll back the great stone that protects our cave, as I step out into the cold dark morning air with my both hounds, I stand still, with arms outstretched and head tilted back with eyes closed and stand as tall as a man can and give thanks to great Gaia for all that is good in the world and all that will transpire this cold and frosty morning!

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