For the second sketch (Kira) I used a combination of the felt pens together with a few pencils, 2B, 4B, HB and 4H. I just felt that I could achieve a better contrast for this sketch using a combination of both and and I believe I did (always one for experimentation!) These are basically preliminary sketches/tryouts that I'm hoping to paint in Acrylics later on.

The third and final sketch in this series of train art, is of Tazz, again I stuck to using pencils only (2B, 4B, 4H etc) I wanted to show Tazz's eyes as they used to be when he was younger, now he has changed from a striking light blue to dark brown (this sometimes happens to Huskies as they get older).

Of the three sketches, I think I prefer the strong contrast of the light and dark on the sketch of Kira, maybe I'll try this in colour next time (although they all are basically coloured black, grey, tan/brown and white).
Lovely work mr Scizumshuck... About time you updated!!!
Hoorah! The Boz is back!
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