I received the initial request as a very rough PDF draft sketched by Maria's husband, Mark, although no great artist, it did show me all the main components he wanted in the finished artwork.

Once I have finished the rough sketch, I then have to scan it into Adobe Photoshop, as the rough was A3 size and my Epson DX 4050 scanner is slighter more than A4 (I really need to get a bigger scanner) I have to scan two seperate sections (top and bottom) and knit the two halves together (fiddly, but do-able in Photoshop).
Once inside Photoshop and I placed this as the underlying background image with the opacity set to about 50%, I then created a new layer for each component in the caricature - the background, the main figure, skin, clothing, juggled objects and clothing (this makes it easier to concentrate on different areas of the artwork).

I was extremely happy with the overall finish and most important, the Sullivans loved it and it now hangs pride in place in my personal gallery in their hallway!
1 comment:
Blimey! Boris blogging! Brilliant!
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