Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Stream

Medium: Acrylic
Paper: Stretched Canvas
Size: 510mm x 700mm (20″ × 27.5″)
Duration: 12 hours (over three days)
I’ve just finished this painting of The Stream, that I’ve been working on and off for the past week or so. For the reference, I used a photo I found on the internet (I think it is a local scene near me, (maybe Rothbury, Ingram Valley, Cheviots, or somewhere I know I’ve seen) this image, to me, just seemed to be crying out to be painted (haven’t you ever done this?) and as I was looking at the reference photo, I could see the painting in my head, really clearly (probably due to my years as a Police artist) , I could even see the colours I’d need and and thought this wee project was doable.

My Last Love

Medium: Pencil (leads F H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H & 2B)
Paper: White acid free cartridge 140gsm
Size:  A4 size - 297mm x 210mm (11.7" x 8.3")
Duration: 2-3 hours approximately

This is what I set my students in my drawing class this week, they despaired at the brickwork, so as their teacher I had to show them how I would tackle this subject, and this is the result.

My first love (after the wife and family of course!) is, without question my art and in the ranking of things I love, gardening definitely comes last, hence the title.

The reference, is a photo I took of my garage/stables which I'm currently converting into my new art studio which you can read about here: I decided that the evening light was casting some magnificent contrasting shadows onto the old brick wall and I just had to capture it (mainly before the walls get insulated).

Here are a few close ups of this finished piece:

Soon appearing in the Irish Museum of Modern Art

Now I know with some certainty, that I'm definitely the last person on the face of the planet to ever think I'd make it as any kind of modern artist, especially in any National Museum of Art....

...but, I've just finished brokering an astonishing deal with the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, who want my services as an sketch artist, two days a week over the next few months beginning the middle of November, flights and hotel accomodation included with a very generous flat fee!

I'll be taking part in Rivane’s Neuenschwander’s exhibition at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, where they want a retired police artist (me) to interview sketch members of the public's first love, live on stage. The finished sketches will be included in her exhibition. Rivane has been exhibiting all around the globe and will next appear in Dublin starting November after finishing in the States.

I've never ever been to Dublin, so I'm looking forward to going on several trips every weekend and into the New Year, I think maybe my wife and kids will be looking forward to some piece and quiet, but I'm sure they'll miss me (maybe a wee bit?)

So if you you are in Dublin, and want to get out of the rain (apparently it does this quite a lot - so will feel like home I suppose) during any of these dates, why not pop in, especially, if you want to see an old fish out of water floundering on stage! I just may need some support LOL.

Tues 15th Nov 2pm - 5pm (Opening Day)
Wed 16th Nov 12 noon - 5pm

Then every weekend from:
Sat 26th Nov 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 27th Nov 12 noon - 5pm
Sat 03rd Dec 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 04th Dec 12 noon - 5pm
Sat 10th Dec 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 11th Dec 12 noon - 5pm
Sat 17th Dec 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 18th Dec 12 noon - 5pm
Sat 07th Jan 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 08th Jan 12 noon - 5pm
Sat 14th Jan 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 15th Jan 12 noon - 5pm
Sat 21st Jan 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 22nd Jan 12 noon - 5pm
Sat 28th Jan 2 pm - 5pm
Sun 29th Jan 12 noon - 5pm