Saturday, 29 October 2011

My Last Love

Medium: Pencil (leads F H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H & 2B)
Paper: White acid free cartridge 140gsm
Size:  A4 size - 297mm x 210mm (11.7" x 8.3")
Duration: 2-3 hours approximately

This is what I set my students in my drawing class this week, they despaired at the brickwork, so as their teacher I had to show them how I would tackle this subject, and this is the result.

My first love (after the wife and family of course!) is, without question my art and in the ranking of things I love, gardening definitely comes last, hence the title.

The reference, is a photo I took of my garage/stables which I'm currently converting into my new art studio which you can read about here: I decided that the evening light was casting some magnificent contrasting shadows onto the old brick wall and I just had to capture it (mainly before the walls get insulated).

Here are a few close ups of this finished piece:

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