Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Stream

Medium: Acrylic
Paper: Stretched Canvas
Size: 510mm x 700mm (20″ × 27.5″)
Duration: 12 hours (over three days)
I’ve just finished this painting of The Stream, that I’ve been working on and off for the past week or so. For the reference, I used a photo I found on the internet (I think it is a local scene near me, (maybe Rothbury, Ingram Valley, Cheviots, or somewhere I know I’ve seen) this image, to me, just seemed to be crying out to be painted (haven’t you ever done this?) and as I was looking at the reference photo, I could see the painting in my head, really clearly (probably due to my years as a Police artist) , I could even see the colours I’d need and and thought this wee project was doable.

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