This was a last minute commission just afore Christmas 2006, again from one of the girls in the office, Hazel, she wanted me to sketch a portrait of her husband for his Christmas present. The only problem she had was that the hubby is always the one who took the photos, she she had to dig deep and eventuallty found a selection of photos to show me, I chose the one below as it was the only one where I could clearly define the features on the face.
Tip: it really helps when the photo provided for a commission is big enough to see the features clearly, too small and i'd be left guessing and ultimately the face might not look right.
This sketch was created using a variety of pencils (10H, 4H, HB 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B) on A3 cartridge paper.

The total time spent sketching was 5-6 hours over a few days, and finally completed on the 7th December 2006.
The result is that hubby now wants a sketch of Hazel to hang alongside his.
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