If you read my profile (don't worry if you haven't, I'm not that literate), you'll know that my first love is art, I'm extremely lucky enough to be able to be doing it in some form at my place of work, which I enjoy immensely. Whenever I have free time, I like nothing better than to create fantasy/sci-fi sketches, comic heroes, and the like.When I really get into my art, my imaingation keeps running constantly, it's a great buzz, I have sketched hundreds of ideas in rough, hopefully when I've more time, than I can develop them better.

I love working in pencil initially, then inking, and recently digital art (using Adiobe Photoshop). I really want to get into Oil Painting, before I retire, so hopefully, I'll have another string to my bow in my art portfolio. When I retire (in a couple of years) it's been one of dreams for as long as can remember, to freelance and become a full time artist/illustrator working from home (in Northumberland). I'm in the midst of converting my on old garage/stables into my work studio, well it'll be an easier task when I can clear out all the rubbish, boxes not opened since we moved in a year ago, a fleet of bicycles (various sizes) boxes of assorted junk we never got to sell at a car boot sale last summer oh yes and my son's (which cost too much money for the actual use it gets) multi-gym that is slowing oxidizing in the cold northern air. Once all these are removed, then perhaps I can realise my dream....
The plan is simple, I retire (in a couple of years, if they let me!), spend a couple of years locked away in my studio (being inspired by my good wife Brenda, and my six kids, three Siberian Huskies, two Persian kittens, building enough of a portfolio of art that when I'm ready, I might have something to show the world other than these simple doodles and sketches.
I really love sketching, and try to keep a small sketchbook of ideas and scribbles going on a daily basis (thanks to my mate Stig for giving me that idea).
I'm also into photography, (currently own a nice Canon 350D digital SLR) and when out yomping over the great Northern countryside and wastelands with my three wolvine like pooches, just love taking arty (well arty to me) photos of anything that takes my fancy (tree's, fields, brooks, tree, fields, sky, sunsets tree's, fields etc.)
I still feel that I'm not really that good an artist/illustrator and only consider myself to be an adequate at the moment (a bit of a jack of all trades but master of none, if you get my drift), but I know that given time I can probably evolve and hopefully master at least one of my personal art ambitions (oil painting). Just watch this space, OK?
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