Siberian Husky Hotel
As I had a couple of weeks off over Christmas and the New Year, I thought it about a little job that was long overdue, I decided that my three Siberian Huskies need a more permanent kennel compound than the poor security fence state of affairs they enjoyed here (photo on left). These security fences were always temporary (I kept telling myself) and when I had a bit of spare time on my hands, I'd build them something a bit more substantial. Poor buggers have only been waiting six years! So this was it, nothing to do (apart from waiting to devour Christmas dinner and get sloshed on Auld Years night. So together with my tiny band of helpers (and I really mean tiny) my kids, Jasmine, Kallum, Scott and Adam, we embarked upon the building of something better akin to the scale of a small pyramid project (well not that big, but it sure felt like it at times). So with kind donations of timber, advice and valuable experience from my some of my mates, Lenny Welch (Landscape Supplies, Stannington Station) and our local Furniture/Carpenter Steve Taite, Kevin and Peter (JT Pine, Stannington Station) Only 10 days later, a few pounds lighter (talking about the cost of timber, nails and bribes used!). We finished this huge undertaking.Click on the photo below to see more photos.
As you can see, we eventually came up with the Siberian Husky Hotel (built circa 2007). I'm sure you'll agree with me that this finished project is streets ahead of anything they had, for one thing it has a roof on it! The dogs seem to like it when they eventually took up residence. It seems I just finished it a few days before these hurricane winds came, and I must of built it good as it is still standing (testament to a good simple design and a bit of pot luck thrown in too!).
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