Work in progress...
OK, this is for anyone who may have the slightest interest in what art pieces I'm currently working on. At the moment, I'm busy sketching a sexy lingerie pin-up in pencil, I saw the photo on the internet and decided it would make a great sketch. I started it this evening round about 8pm, as it's now getting a bit late 12.30am, and the light is starting to fade (note to self: get longer candles!) I thought I'd call it a night and continue another day. The sketch is on A3 cartridge, using only a few pencils (H, HB, 2B, 4B and a 6B - had a great H10 pencil but can't find the bloody thing!). I'm not too happy with the left hand (her left hand) and may change it, possible holding a sheet/coat? We'll see how it goes.Boris
Very nice piece indeed
very nice. You are drawing!!!! You are drawing!!!! Great to see this.
At last! Mr Magic Pencils has started to put graphite to pulped tree corpse! Excellent stuff. Talented git.
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