Thursday, 25 January 2007

Work in progress... now finished!

Well, here it is, finally finished, except for, well her left hand could do with some more work (as I've already been told) so that's a job for a rainy day (no, no I will finish it, promise).


Stevyn Colgan said...

And when you do finish it there's a space on my study wall needs filling ...

Stevyn Colgan said...

Lubberly lady! So what else is new? Keep the blog going, hairy bloke!

And you are 'Whistler' from 'Blade' aren't you?

Shamus Murphy said...

updates please whistler...I know you are busy slaying but us daywalkers want to see more!!

Stevyn Colgan said...

24th of January? Come on ... you can blog more often than that Mr Whistler!

Shamus Murphy said... to Boris!!
updates dude!